Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Wonder Herbs Like Polypodium Leucotomos For Medicinal Benefits

Science and Technology go in a boom each decade touching every sector today. They enhance the existing methodologies and improve performance. In the field of health and medicine too, every year researchers find out new substances or chemical compositions that can benefit mankind in a large way and save several people suffering from ailments of different nature.

New diseases or health problems give scientists and researchers scope for new techniques and solutions to these life threatening ailments. Some naturally obtained medicines or some artificially composed with different combinations are made, experimented and tested. Some plants or herbs accidentally seem to be of great medicinal help and once discovered their healing properties they can be highly beneficial in treatments. Many herbs, plants or extracts from nature are still to be unfolded from nature and can be of unimaginable curing benefits without any side effects. Few botanical extracts that are known to mankind are being deployed for wonder uses that can cause great impact in the field of medicine.

Herbs such as basil were from ancient times known to be a universal healer. Polypodium Leucotomos which in common language is known as Calaguala, Polypodiaceae, Kalawalla or Anapsos is one such herb which is a gift from nature that has several skin healing properties when used in specific composition with certain amount of processing.

The wonder fern that originates from tropical and subtropical suburbs of the Americas is now used worldwide for protective and curing effects against skin damage caused by sun burns.

  • This herb through research has been seen to help people with sensitive skin which can help in suppressing the effects of sun burn or burns caused by exposure to harmful components of UV rays. It heals the cells that are affected by such burns thereby reducing the pain or redness.
  • It can be effectively used to cure cells affected by skin cancer.
  • The wonder plant helps in preserving skin tissue structure by controlling the infiltration of mastocyte into skin
  • In few regions, Polypodium Leucotomos extract have been used for treatment of patients suffering from psoriasis, vitiligo or atopic dermatitis.
  • Research shows that this extract can be used along with sunscreen components to protect sensitive skin.
  • It has been studied that polypodium leucotomos extract supplement has certain medicinal benefits that can help to boost up immunity.

There is still said to immense scope for several beneficial uses and systematic utilization in treating many skin diseases using Polypodium Leucotomos in the field of nature curing methods.


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